Last Updated: 23/01/2024

User Guide for the Malaria Strategic and Operational Plan Costing Tool

Published: 30/05/2019

User Guide for the Malaria Strategic and Operational Plan Costing Tool

The Malaria Strategic and Operational Plan Costing Tool is designed to assist countries in estimating the Malaria Strategic Plan (MSP) cost, and to support the development and alignment of the annual budget for the Malaria Annual Work Plan (AWP) with national annual budget cycles. This is conducted in a way that relates country funding priorities to the needed resources.

The tool also facilitates a transparent and accountable budgeting process that clearly shows how planned expenditure is aggregated and linked to results, while promoting the seamless integration of the AWP estimates into the Government’s annual budget processes for malaria, and malaria strategic planning under the umbrella of the Medium Term Expenditure Framework (where applicable to the country).

Published: 30/05/2019

User Guide for the Malaria Strategic and Operational Plan Costing Tool


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