Meet the MESA Correspondents that will cover the BioMalPar XIX Conference

The MESA Correspondents are early career volunteers who report from malaria conferences in real time. The summaries of the new learnings are shared online, expanding access to the event. The MESA Correspondents program is a collaboration between MESA and the conference organizers.

Faith Hungwe, Aaron Lartey and Rinter Karimi will cover the sessions at the BioMalPar XIX: biology and pathology of the malaria parasite conference, which will take place virtually and on-site in Heidelberg, Germany, on May 23 – 25, 2023. Summaries will be cross-posted online on the MESA Correspondents page, BioMalPar website and MalariaWorld website.

Faith Hungwe is an MSc student at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Karolinska Institute and Stockholm University where she is studying Molecular Techniques in Life Sciences. Through this study period, she is enhancing her skills, broadening her understanding of data-driven research and exploring the various ways it is applied in scientific research. “Participating in the BioMalPar XIX is a humbling experience. It is a remarkable time to learn and engage in current research and technical approaches implemented in studies. It is through concise and effective communication that our combined dedication and efforts towards eliminating and eradicating malaria are achieved.”

Aaron Lartey works as a Research Assistant at the Department of Parasitology, Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research, developing and testing vector control tools and assisting the National Malaria Eradication Programme in Ghana with insecticide resistance surveillance and testing. “Volunteering as a MESA correspondent will refine my ability to simplify scientific concepts and foster interest and understanding beyond academia while providing me with a unique opportunity to learn more about the latest advancements in malaria research.”


Rinter Karimi Kimathi is currently pursuing her PhD on the association between malaria infection and autoimmunity at the University of Glasgow. She has a strong interest in the immunology of both infectious and non-infectious diseases. Her current research is interdisciplinary, focusing on the intersection between malaria and autoimmune diseases. “Being a MESA correspondent will be an excellent opportunity to advance my science communication and reporting skills while also attending the prestigious BioMalPar conference.”


This program would not be possible without the editorial support from our Senior Editors Yunuen Avalos Padilla (Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) and Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal), Spain) and Alba Pérez Cantero (Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal) Spain).


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