Meet the MESA Correspondents that will cover the 9th PAMCA Annual Conference and Exhibition

The MESA Correspondents are volunteers who report on the latest malaria research from conferences worldwide. The synopses are shared online, enabling people who could not attend the meeting to read about the research discussed. The MESA Correspondents program is a collaboration between MESA and the conference organizers.

Akua Obenewaa Danquah Yirenkyi, Ashu Fred Ayukarah, Augustino Mmbaga, Helga D.M. Saizonou, Julius Ichodo Odero and Ndey Bassin Jobe will cover in person the sessions at the 9th PAMCA Annual Conference & Exhibition, which will take place in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 17 – 21 September 2023. Summaries will be cross-posted online on the MESA Correspondents page and MalariaWorld website.


Akua Obenewaa Danquah Yirenkyi works at the Department of Parasitology at the Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research in Ghana. Her role there is the development and testing of vector control tools and conducting insecticide resistance surveillance. “As a MESA correspondent, I have the opportunity to develop my communication and report-writing skills, allowing me to share scientific concepts in a concise and engaging manner. I am eager to seize this opportunity to broaden my knowledge and contribute to the fight against this global health challenge.”


Ashu Fred Ayukarah

Ashu Fred Ayukarah is a PhD candidate in Biochemistry at the University of Yaoundé I (Cameroon) presently a trainee at the Center for Research in Infectious Diseases (CRID) where he is studying the genetic mechanisms of resistance to new insecticides using transcriptomic and proteomic approach. He is also looking for ways to preserve the efficacy of proven vector control tools. “Being a MESA correspondent will greatly improve my skills in communication, networking with researchers and dissemination of the latest research progress made in the fight against vector borne diseases”

Augustino Mmbaga

Augustino Mmbaga is currently pursuing a Master of Science in Public Health Research, a joint program offered by the Ifakara Health Institute and the Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology (Tanzania). He is interested in developing affordable tools that could supplement the gains in malaria vector control in resource-limited settings. “Being a MESA correspondent it’s an incredible chance for me, to gain access to invaluable opportunities such as improving my skills, networking with scientists, learning about recent advances in malaria research, and sharing with those unable to attend.”

Helga D.M. Saizonou

Helga D.M. Saizonou is a PhD student in medical entomology at the Tropical Infectious Diseases Research Center (TIDRC) of the University of Abomey-Calavi (UAC), Benin. Her research focuses on the genomic surveillance of vectors. She is keen to generate new scientific data that could be further used as part of a vector surveillance program in endemic countries. “Being a MESA correspondent at the 9th PAMCA conference will help me learn about recent work aiming to lessen the burden of malaria in endemic countries and also hone my skills.”

Julius Ichodo Odero

Julius Ichodo Odero is a Research Scientist at Kenya Medical Research Institute. He is currently part of the social science team on Advancing Evidence for the Global Implementation of Spatial Repellents (AEGIS) project. The Social Science Research on the AEGIS project is focused on understanding behavioral, market and practical factors affecting the potential of households’ spatial repellent use for malaria control. “Serving as MESA correspondent is an ideal opportunity to utilize, learn and improve my writing skills in disseminating the latest experiences, findings and advances in vector-borne disease that inform the adoption of best practices for surveillance, control, and elimination of vector-borne diseases in Africa and worldwide.”

The MESA Alliance would like to acknowledge also the support from past correspondents who are attending the PAMCA Conference and Exhibition and other volunteers.

Ndey Bassin Jobe

Ndey Bassin Jobe is a PhD candidate at the Center for Evolution and Medicine at Arizona State University. She is a medical entomologist, and the core of her research involves designing, building, and testing novel biotechnologies for the surveillance and control of mosquitoes. “Attending PAMCA as a MESA correspondent is an excellent opportunity for me to learn about the latest advances in malaria research and be able to prepare reports of scientific sessions for those who could not attend the conference.”


Temesgen Ashine is a PhD candidate in Tropical Infectious Disease and Associate Researcher at Armauer Hansen Research Institute (AHRI). “Working as a MESA Correspondent will provide me with a good opportunity to learn recent advances, collaborating and sharing experiences with the colleagues. This will provide a platform to get better understanding of current advances in the area that can be an assent to boost my professional career”.


Diane Leslie Nkahe is a final year Ph.D. student, studying Parasitology and Ecology at the University of Yaoundé I. She is also an intern in medical entomology at the malaria research center of Yaoundé based at OCEAC. “Offering help at this point is a way of helping MESA in sharing knowledge. And I think it  will also allow me to keep in touch with MESA Malaria. I thought that since I am attending the conference, I can offer my help during my free time as I did last year”. 



This program would not be possible without the editorial support from our Senior Editors Zawadi Mboma (Ifakara Health Institute, Tanzania) and Billy Tene (Center for Research in Infectious Diseases, Cameroon).



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