Last Updated: 05/02/2024

Global Vector Control Response to invasive Anopheles stephensi: Consensus Statement


The RBM Vector Control Working Group (VCWG) and Multi-Sectoral Working Group (MSWG) issued a joint consensus statement on the Global Vector Control Response to invasive Anopheles stephensi. In the past decade, the malaria vector An. stephensi has spread to Africa and Sri Lanka and there are concerns about its impact on malaria transmission. Urgent efforts are needed to prevent further spread and reduce the impact of An. stephensi where it now exists. With this Consensus Statement, the RBM VCWG and MSWG seek to complement the work of WHO, UN-Habitat and others by facilitating the exchange of knowledge and best practices to address this invasive species to build a common understanding and identify gaps in our collective response. The RBM Working Groups and their diverse membership of malaria control programmes, representatives of other ministries, the private sector, implementing partners, and research and academic organisations stand ready to contribute to this fight.
