Last Updated: 13/12/2024

UNDP Report: The Comprehensive Multisectoral Action framework – Malaria and Sustainable Development

Published: 26/08/2022

UNDP Report: The Comprehensive Multisectoral Action framework – Malaria and Sustainable Development

The Comprehensive Multisectoral Action Framework with the subtitle “Malaria and Sustainable Development” makes a clear case for restructuring the way countries and providers of funds think and address malaria – from being a concern of the health sector only, towards a comprehensive coordinated multi-pronged effort that harnesses action, commitment and expertise across all sectors. The Framework is aligned with the UNDP Strategic Plan 2022-2025, the UNDP HIV and Health Strategy 2022-2025 and the upcoming WHO and UN-Habitat Global Response Framework to Malaria and Mosquito-transmitted Diseases in Urban Areas. The Framework places responsibility and accountability with existing local governance structures, is a guide for policymakers and practitioners and a stimulus for innovation. Although there has been encouraging progress over the past decade, addressing malaria must have a prominent place in the global, national and local development agendas if we are to eliminate this deadly disease, prevent the risk of resurgence, and ultimately help communities to thrive and markets to reach their full potential.

The Framework places responsibility and accountability with existing local governance structures, is a guide for policymakers and practitioners and a stimulus for innovation. Although there has been encouraging progress over the past decade, addressing malaria must have a prominent place in the global, national and local development agendas if we are to eliminate this deadly disease, prevent the risk of resurgence, and ultimately help communities to thrive and markets to reach their full potential.

Published: 26/08/2022

The Comprehensive Multisectoral Action framework