Sample preparation; Laboratory protocols and SOPs

DNA extraction

Standard Operating Procedure for Dried Blood Spot (DBS) Extraction: Vacuum methodology

Extraction of DNA from dried blood spots S (DBS) and rapid diagnostic tests (RDT) by Chelex method in 96 well plates

Amplicon Sequencing

The MalariaGEN Amplicon Sequencing Toolkit provides partners with the checklists, protocols, and analytical methods needed to sequence and investigate targeted genes associated with drug or insecticide resistance

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) describing how to prepare and sequence the full length P. falciparum genes associated with antimalarial resistance on the Illumina MiSeq

The Multiplex Amplicons for Drug, Diagnostic, Diversity, and Differentiation Haplotypes via Targeted Resequencing (MAD4HatTeR) platform is an Illumina-compatible, modular sequencing panel for P. falciparum with the ability to genotype low density, polyclonal field samples.

Cost-effective targeted nanopore sequencing of P. falciparum malaria

Multiplex PCR approach to amplify all P. falciparum genomic regions of interest in a rapid and easily standardizable procedure and allows simultaneous amplification of a high number of targets at once.

Multiplexed nanopore AmpSeq panel targeting six highly diverse P. falciparum microhaplotype loci, capable to provide rapid PCR-corrected drug failure estimates.
More details are available in this
pre-print article.

Whole Genome Sequencing

PCR / real-time PCR

Institute of Tropical Medicine (ITM) Antwerp, Belgium
