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Last Updated: 05/12/2024

RAFT TechTalk Series: Emerging threats in a changing world, Aedes & Anopheles stephensi “Could we eradicate Anopheles stephensi in Africa?”

Published: 21/11/2024

This is the 5th webinar of the RAFT TechTalk series on: Emerging threats in a changing world, Aedes & Anopheles stephensi with the following speakers:

  • Jo Lines: Why focus on “Could we eradicate An. stephensi in Africa?”   
  • Mark Benedict:  A historical perspective on application of the Sterile Insect Technique (SIT)
  • Chantel De Beer: The essential techniques and infrastructure required for SIT
  • Tony Nolan: Non-SIT (gene-drive) eradication technologies
Originally endemic to South Asia and the Arabian Peninsula, Anopheles stephensi has jumped into the Horn of Africa and is now spreading across the continent. Up to now, malaria in Africa has been primarily a rural challenge, but An. stephensi flourishes in urban settings and could bring a paradigm shift in malaria epidemiology in Africa, a serious threat to regional malaria elimination objectives. We have a limited window of opportunity to address this threat. Genetic control methods are probably best and are more likely to be effective against a target population that is small and confined.  So if we want to do this, we must act decisively.  Could it be done, and what would it take?    

Published: 21/11/2024