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Practical manual for malaria programme review and malaria strategic plan midterm review

Published: 29/05/2019

Practical manual for malaria programme review and malaria strategic plan midterm review

Malaria programme reviews are management tools for the evidence-based appraisal of a country’s malaria situation and programme performance in order to strengthen the programme for better results and impact. They evaluate the systems used to deliver interventions, encourage success and propose solutions for bottlenecks and barriers. They are meant to help countries and partners to set or reset the malaria agenda in the medium or short term.

There are three types of malaria programme reviews: malaria comprehensive programme reviews (MPR); malaria strategic plans (MSP); mid-term reviews (MTR) and malaria annual work plan reviews (APR). These reviews are seen as a continuum which leads to effective achievement of the goals and targets set by the malaria strategic plan.

Published: 29/05/2019

Practical manual for malaria programme review and malaria strategic plan midterm review