Last Updated: 19/12/2024

National Malaria Strategic Plan (NMSP) of Nigeria: 2021-2025

Countries: Nigeria

Published: 01/10/2020

The vision of the NMSP 20121-2025 is to achieve a malaria-free Nigeria while the goal is to achieve a parasite prevalence of less than 10% and reduce mortality attributable to malaria to less than 50 deaths per 1,000 live births by 2025. The priority is to ensure the delivery of robust multi-stakeholder, multisectoral, and appropriate strategy mixes based on the stratification of Nigeria into low, medium, high, and very high epidemiological areas to achieve a rapid reduction in malaria burden and deaths while maintaining consistency with the key principles and pillars of the National Strategic Health Development Plan.

The implementation of the prioritized strategies and key activities will be rested on the High Burden High Impact (HBHI) approach of high political will; strategic information to drive impact; better guidance for policies and strategies with a coordinated national malaria response. Work will continue with all previous partners such as WHO, the Global Fund, World Bank, UK-DFID, USAID, UNICEF, AFRICARE, and other RBM partners towards the achievement of global and national malaria targets. There is a commitment to ensuring improved local resources and effective coordination of both the public and the private sectors.

It is also set to provide the leadership required for the achievement of the objectives of this plan to ensure the improvement in the quality of life of Nigerians despite the pressure on the health system brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Published: 01/10/2020