
Last Updated: 10/05/2024

MESA Track – the unique, free and open-access database of malaria projects (poster)


MESA, Spain

Published: 21/04/2024

This poster presents the unique, free, and open-access living database of malaria projects, MESA Track, that enables malaria professionals to know who is doing what, where, and when to expect new results and emerging evidence. The poster delves into the methods followed to populate the database and the information available such as the total of projects, the total funding amount, project sites, principal investigators, funding sources, and principal institution, among others. It also highlights two descriptive evidence syntheses that MESA does. First is the Deep Dive, which is an analysis of projects on a given topic or research question. Second is the Country Portfolio, which is an analysis of projects from a particular country. Recently MESA launched the Ghana Country Portfolio

Presented at the MIM Society 8th Pan-African Conference in Kigali, Rwanda – April 2024 (Poster number: 156)

Published: 21/04/2024