Last Updated: 29/01/2024
Malaria SBC toolkit for community and faith leaders
Collaborator(s): U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI), United States
Published: —
Faith and community leaders have deep roots in local communities. Local leaders also play an important role in health issues around the world, including the fight against malaria. Malaria is a deadly disease, but it can be prevented and cured. Local leaders are crucial in helping communities take action in the fight against malaria.
This toolkit will guide faith and community organizations to use their own strengths, community connections, and resources to educate on how to prevent malaria and support proper treatment in local communities. Using the processes of social and behavior change (SBC), the toolkit will help leaders influence communities’ knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and social norms to help people adopt key behaviors to prevent and treat malaria.
The toolkit contains:
- Resources to learn more about malaria in the country or region.
- Tools for communicating effectively and creating lasting behavior change.
- A list of key actions to promote to fight malaria in the community.
- Steps for integrating malaria into current work.
- Examples of community malaria activities.
- Strategies for being malaria advocates.
Leaders can use these tools to help local people and families change their everyday actions to prevent malaria and promptly and safely treat malaria if they become sick
THEMES: Social Science