Last Updated: 03/11/2022

Ifakara Masterclass Edition 37- The Mosquitoes Must Surrender: A MasterClass with IVCC & Partners

Published: 26/05/2022

The Mosquitoes Must Surrender

The 37th edition of the masterclass hosted by Fredros Okumu from Ifakara Health Institute (IHI) and Sheila Ogoma from Clinton Health Access Initiative(CHAI) features IVCC and partners.

Indicative Topics

  1. Vector Control Priorities in Africa, Asia & the Americas.
  2.  Discovery & development of insecticides & Innovative Vector Control insecticide formulations for vector control.
  3. The Global Markets of Vector Control
  4. Cost, cost effectiveness of vector control.
  5. Next generation Nets & IRS formulations.
  6. Measuring impact of vector control.
  7.  Integrating malaria and NTD control.
  8. Closing the gaps in malaria new tools.   
  9. Managing insecticide resistance.     
  10. Essential partnerships for vector control.

Vector control: 10 challanges and 10 solutions

  1. Building the evidence base for dual active ingredients.
  2. Outdoor transmission of malaria.
  3. Growing the IRS market.
  4. Testing novel AI´s in Long Lasting Insecticide Nets (LLIN´s).
  5. Increasing the efficiency of Indoor Residual Spray(IRS) application.
  6. Identifying waterbodies that are mosquito habitats.
  7. Generating high quality field data at internationally recognized standards(GLP).
  8. Bioavailability of insecticides on mud wall surfaces.
  9. Keeping industry innovators engaged in the fight against Malaria.
  10. Developing vector control interventions for the Indo-Pacific region.



Published: 26/05/2022

Screenshot 2022-11-03 121501

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