Last Updated: 06/02/2024
Global Malaria Dashboard – RBM
Published: 08/07/2022
As part of its efforts to enhance data sharing and use for action, the RBM Partnership launched a Global Malaria Dashboard, in 2020, to aggregate available data to improve sharing and interoperability and trigger timely action to progress and challenges. The Global Malaria Dashboard aims to pool available data across a wide range of sources to guide policy and management decisions, as well as partner coordination to deliver targeted support to overcome bottlenecks.
The RBM Global Malaria Dashboard consists of a number of dashboards capturing Malaria Epidemiology data, data on Campaigns (ITN/IRS/SMC), Supply Chain , Malaria Commodities and Technical Assistance from a variety of sources including partners such as GF, WHO, CHAI, ALMA and individual countries.
THEMES: Information Systems