Last Updated: 18/12/2024
ASTMH 2018, Silvie Huijben: “Putting evolution in elimination: winning our ongoing battle with evolving malaria mosquitoes and parasites”
Collaborator(s): Arizona State University, United States
Countries: United States
Published: 31/10/2018
In collaboration with the poster presenters, MESA brings you this sneak-peak of poster 1837 from the 67th ASTMH annual meeting in New Orleans, October-November 2018
Title: “Putting evolution in elimination: winning our ongoing battle with evolving malaria mosquitoes and parasites”
Speaker: Silvie Huijben, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, United States
Malaria elimination efforts rely heavily on antimalarial drugs and insecticide-based interventions, with artemisinin-based combination therapies, indoor residual spraying and long-lasting insecticidal nets being the cornerstones of malaria treatment and prevention. However, resistance has emerged against nearly every antimalarial drug and insecticide that is available. Here we discuss the evolutionary consequences of the way we currently implement antimalarial interventions, how this may facilitate the evolution of resistance, and how evolutionary principles can be applied to extend the lifespan of current and novel interventions. We argue for a need of greater understanding of general evolutionary principles, for public health in general and for malaria elimination programs in particular, to develop improved resistance management strategies for sustainable malaria control and ultimately elimination.