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ASTMH 2017, Asefaw Getachew: “Reactive case detection for malaria in Amhara National Regional State, Ethiopia: Descriptive and impact evaluation analysis”


Countries: Ethiopia

Published: Published: 07/11/2017

In collaboration with ASTMH, Image Audiovisuals, and session presenters, MESA brings you this webcast from the 66th ASTMH annual meeting in Baltimore, November 2017

Title: “Reactive case detection for malaria in Amhara National Regional State, Ethiopia: Descriptive and impact evaluation analysis”

Speaker: Asefaw Getachew, PATH MACEPA

Session information: 

Symposium 0105: “Malaria: Mass Drug Administration and Reactive Case Detection for Malaria Elimination”

Tuesday, 7 November, 4:00 – 5:45 PM, Convention Center – Ballroom III (Level 400)


Case investigation (CI) of malaria cases and reactive case detection (RCD) of malaria infections are strategies that can contribute to malaria elimination in low-transmission settings. In Amhara region, Ethiopia, CI with RCD was conducted in 37 villages during the malaria transmission seasons in 2015-2016. P. falciparum or mixed malaria cases diagnosed at the health posts were considered index cases and were investigated (regarding socioeconomic characteristics, travel history, etc.). RCD with focal test and treat (FTAT) was conducted in the index case household and the ten closest neighboring households within a 100 meter radius. During the FTAT, all individuals in the targeted households were tested with a rapid diagnostic test (RDT) and all positives were treated with an antimalarial drug. Preliminary results from April 2015 to August 2016 indicate that there were 179 index cases, of which 47% were investigated. Of these, 58% were male and only 23% were children younger than ten years of age. During the FTAT, 548 households were visited, of which 96% were investigated. Of the 2,372 individuals in those households, 85% were tested, of which 1.7% were positive (56% P. falciparum, 18% P. vivax, 26% mixed). Risk factors for RDT-positivity included travel history, reported or measured fever, sleeping under a bednet, and recent antimalarial treatment. There were different transmission patterns, with several villages having very few cases, some villages having mostly imported cases, and others having mostly local cases. To evaluate whether CI with RCD had an impact on malaria incidence in the intervention villages, a quasi-experimental design with a comparison group of villages from the same regions—matched by pre-intervention incidence and altitude—will be used. A difference-in-differences analysis using negative binomial regression will be conducted. Final descriptive and impact evaluation results will be presented.

Published: 07/11/2017
