Last Updated: 02/10/2024
APMEN-Kasetsart Online Course on Vector Surveillance
Asia Pacific Malaria Elimination Network (APMEN), Singapore; Kasetsart University, Thailand
Published: 15/08/2022
This course was developed as a collaboration between the Asia-Pacific Malaria Elimination Network (APMEN) and the Department of Entomology at Kasetsart University in Bangkok. The course includes five Modules, each with a number of different Tutorials, covering most of the field of Vector Surveillance (the course is still in development, so at present only some of the Tutorials are available, but they will be completed soon).
- Module 1: Vector Diversity and Abundance
- Module 2: Vector Behaviour
- Module 3: Vector Identification
- Module 4: Insectary Establishment and Maintenance
- Module 5: Insecticide Resistance
THEMES: Capacity Building | Surveillance | Vector Control