Anopheles stephensi – Landscaping Review (poster)


MESA, Spain

Published: Published: 17/09/2023

This poster maps the current scope and distribution of research and investments related to Anopheles stephensi, a vector in the spread of malaria. It showcases the various research areas being targeted, the geographical spread of these studies, and identifies the principal stakeholders and funders involved. The goal is to offer a thorough understanding of the research landscape surrounding An. stephensi and highlight potential research gaps. Additionally, the poster aims to keep the research community informed of the progress and timelines concerning the emerging data on An. stephensi, facilitating enhanced collaboration and strategic planning in malaria control initiatives.

Presented at the 9th Pan-African Mosquito Control Association (PAMCA) Conference in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia – September 2023 (Poster number: 100)

Explore the Anopheles stephensi Deep Dive.

Published: 17/09/2023