Last Updated: 13/12/2024
Alliance for Malaria Prevention (AMP) Toolkit
Published: 01/01/2012
The Alliance for Malaria Prevention (AMP) partnership works to ensure that best practices and new ideas being used or tried by national malaria programmes and partners are collected and shared to ensure that high quality distributions continue to take place. Part of the sharing of knowledge happens through face-to-face meetings, such as AMP trainings and technical assistance missions, while another part is based on guidance and documentation for planning and implementing mass Insecticide treated net (ITN) distribution campaigns.
The AMP partnership has produced two toolkits: a first edition (2008) focused on the planning and implementation of integrated campaigns, primarily with vaccination, to encourage the distribution and use of insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) by children under five years of age and a second edition (2012) supports the planning and implementation of mass ITN distribution campaigns to achieve universal coverage for the entire population at risk of malaria in a country or targeted area.