Corine Ngufor is a medical entomologist with several years of field experience in mosquito biology and vector control. She holds a Masters in the Biology and Control of Disease Vectors and a PhD in medical entomology both from LSHTM. Corine started working at LSHTM in 2011 supervising and coordinating several WHO Phase 1 and 2 vector control studies across sub-Saharan Africa (Tanzania, Cote D’Ivoire, Burkina Faso and Benin). Corine is currently based in Benin since 2013 where she is lead scientist of the CREC/LSHTM Collaborative Research Programme, a GLP-accredited facility, implementing a portfolio of IVCC/WHO/Industry funded vector control projects investigating new vector control tools for targeting insecticide resistant malaria vectors. Her research has contributed substantially to the development of a new generation of vector control products which show great potential to target insecticide resistant malaria vector populations.