He did his PhD on Bioecology and population genetic of Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus, two major arbovirus vectors in Cameroon at the University of Yaounde I. After defending his thesis in June 2011, he joined the Pasteur Institute in Bangui in September 2011 for a postdoctoral position. He continued to work and develop my skills by assessing entomological and virological risks for emergence of arboviruses notably chikungunya virus in the Central African Republic. Unfortunately, due to civil war in the CAR, this project was interrupted and I was forced to have a career break of more than a year, the time to adjust to the unexpected situation in Bangui. However, in 2015, he has been working as a consultant on a project of Prof Jeff Powell from the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (Yale University) on genetic structure of Ae. aegypti in Yaoundé. In the same year he joined the Research Unit of the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine based at OCEAC lead by Prof Charles Wondji. During this period he was granted by a Wellcome Trust for three years projects. Since January 2018, he is based at Centre for Research in Infectious Diseases as lead of the Medical Entomology Department.