Last Updated: 12/06/2024
Visual Analysis of Long Lasting Insecticidal Nets to Maximise Universal Access – ViALLIN MUsAcc
This project’s goal is to develop a digital data collection app ‘ViALLIN’ that will enable national malaria control programs in Tanzania to improve planning for programmatic Long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) distribution, monitoring of LLINs quality and selection of the best product according to contextual settings.
Primary objectves of the project include;
- To simplify and optimise the measurement of ITN durability through the ViALLIN data collection app;
- To predict the probability of a net being in use the following year by analyzing images and household factors collected with the app;
- To improve child access to high quality ITN through demonstrating the economic benefit of improved years of protection per $ outlay; and
- To Integrate essential ITN durability data into data sources used by national malaria control programs so i) ITN performance is monitored and ii) ITN are distributed at appropriate intervals to maximise coverage.
Mosquito bednets have been vital in reducing the malaria burden among children over the last 20 years. Reductions have stagnated and resources available for control are half what is needed to meet malaria control milestones. Standard long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLIN) are assumed to have a three-year lifespan, are distributed at three-year intervals and procured based on unit cost. However, most LLINs develop holes and wear before the next distribution, leaving millions of children unprotected. The lifespan of LLINs differs substantially between products, influencing their value-for-money.
This project will deliver information to National Malaria Control Programs (NMCP) that enables them to 1) select durable and cost-effective LLINs to buy, 2) optimize intervals between LLIN distributions and 3) monitor LLIN quality. LLINs will be procured based on their cost-per-year of lifespan rather than cheapest price only when NMCP use data to select optimal products.
The project will empower the Tanzanian NMCP to select the best LLINs for their setting to optimize the use of scarce resources, reduce malaria transmission and improve child health. Data capture andanalysis algorithms will be made open source.
Sep 2022 — Aug 2026