Last Updated: 10/07/2017
Videographic analysis of mosquito host-seeking behaviours around humans and odour-baited mosquito control traps
This study aims to quantitatively analyze behavioural responses of host-seeking mosquitoes around odour-baited mosquito control or monitoring traps such as the recently developed outdoor odour-baited mosquito landing box (MLB) fitted with electrocuting grids, relative to responses around humans.
Disease transmitting-mosquitoes rely on the special olfactory organs on their antennal sensillae to locate their blood hosts. Mosquitoes sense principal compounds such as ammonia, lactic acid and several carboxylic acids emanated from the sweat and skin, as well as carbon dioxide (CO2), a major constituent of breath from a human being. The knowledge gained from these observations is used to optimize and adapt the mosquito control/surveillance traps. The optimized traps are intended for effectively controlling and possibly monitoring behaviours and infectiousness of outdoor-biting malaria vectors in communities where transmission is increasingly outdoors.
Jul 2014 — Dec 2016