23798 0 41008 1 36743 2 23798 0 41008 1 36743 2 41145 0 41162 1 41130 2 41145 0 41162 1 41130 2

Last Updated: 09/12/2024

Understanding a novel immune approach for malaria control and the implications for a vaccine


This research program will unravel the mechanisms by which MAIT cells, a recently identified set of innate-like T cells, contribute to protection from malaria.

Principal Investigators / Focal Persons

Sidonia Eckle

Rationale and Abstract

Malaria remains one of the deadliest infectious diseases worldwide. This research program is expected to provide entirely new insights on protective immunity to malaria and substantially advance fundamental knowledge in the emerging MAIT cell field. It will also develop new MAIT cell-based vaccines against malaria.

Thematic Categories



Jan 2026 — Dec 2029

Total Project Funding


Project Site
