Last Updated: 19/12/2024

Strengthening quality of malaria diagnosis and case management of severe malaria


The goal of this project is to institutionalize CQI and improve the quality of inpatient malaria service delivery in supported public and private hospitals in Kano State. ​An integrated approach to external quality assurance (EQA) and continuous quality improvement (CQI) for malaria will improve malaria case management and contibute to redeced case fatality rates.

​The specific objectives are to; ​

  1. strengthen and scale up quality assurance systems for parasitological diagnosis of malaria 
  2. improve human resource capacity for malaria diagnosis and case management of severe malaria
  3. ​monitor the trends in health system readiness and quality of severe malaria case management​
  4. support a pathway to scale for CQI model in Nigeria
Principal Institution

Malaria Consortium, United Kingdom

Rationale and Abstract

The integration of EQA and CQI approaches in Kano State’s health system is crucial to addressing severe malaria case management and malaria diagnosis more efficiently and cost-effectively. By leveraging existing infrastructure and resources, this integrated approach can sustain improvements made in malaria diagnosis and treatment services, ensuring emerging gaps are promptly addressed to improve patient outcomes. Moreover, institutionalizing an integrated approach model to EQA and CQI can contribute to the long-term sustainability and impact of malaria diagnosis and treatment services in Kano State. The potential of this integrated approach to EQA and CQI could be extended to other states in Nigeria, as well as other countries with comparable health systems and malaria burdens. Additionally, the potential of this integrated approach to EQA and CQI could be scaled up to other states in Nigeria, as well as other countries with comparable health systems and malaria burdens


Jan 2021 — Dec 2024

Project Site
