Array ( [0] => 29823 [1] => 26647 [2] => 23987 ) Array ( [0] => 29823 [1] => 26647 [2] => 23987 ) Array ( [0] => 27996 [1] => 28548 [2] => 27883 ) Array ( [0] => 27996 [1] => 28548 [2] => 27883 )

Last Updated: 25/03/2024

Scaling up the boma health initiative


The aim of this projects is to scale up the Boma Health Initiative in Northern Bahr El Ghazal State, South Sudan.

Specific Objectives are to: 

  1.  improved BHI service delivery and engagement
  2. strengthened community and HF integration
  3. strengthened capacity of BHWs and supervisors
  4. 4) strengthened management of the BHI supply chain for essential drugs and commodities
Principal Institution

Malaria Consortium, United Kingdom

Principal Investigators / Focal Persons

Jamshed Khan

Partner Institutions

Crown Agents, United Kingdom

Rationale and Abstract

In order to expand community health services for the prevention and treatment of common conditions under BHI Policy under the Global Fund (TGF) Malaria Grant.  To meet the objectives MC will train and support 286 BHWs and 14 BHW supervisors ensuring comprehensive BHI service delivery in the three implementation counties.
In this programme malaria diagnosis and treatment services were provided by community volunteers along with treatmen of diarrhoea and pnumonia for children under five, adults, in hard to reach communities. Awarness about malaria was integral part of the community activities. Project also provided esential supplies, medicine, and diagnostics need for malaria services. Project was also provided services on malaria surveilance, and reporing.

Thematic Categories

Basic Science
Service Delivery


Oct 2022 — Dec 2025

Project Site

South Sudan