Last Updated: 02/12/2024

Safety and immunogenicity of Pfs48/45 in Matrix-M adjuvant in healthy adults in the UK


The aim of this study is to assess the safety and immunogenicity of the Plasmodium falciparum malaria vaccine candidate Pfs48/45 in Matrix-M adjuvant in healthy adults living in the UK.

Rationale and Abstract

Volunteers will be recruited into one of three groups (n=8-10 per group) at the Centre for Clinical Vaccinology and Tropical Medicine (CCVTM), Oxford over approximately 12 months. All volunteers will receive three doses of Pfs48/45 in 50 µg Matrix-M, administered intramuscularly and given four weeks apart. Enrolment will be staggered with clinical and safety reviews, follow-up visits, and monitoring via a diary card.

Study Design

Study type: Interventional
Enrollment: 30 participants
Primary purpose: Prevention
Interventional Model: Parallel assignment
Masking :Open label
NCT number: NCT05400746
Phase: Phase I

Thematic Categories



Nov 2022 — May 2023

Project Site

United Kingdom