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Last Updated: 19/12/2024
Regional Artemisinin Initiative 3 Elimination (RAI3E) – Expanding mobile malaria services in Cambodia
The aim of this project is to contribute towards Cambodia’s goal of eliminating P. falciparum by 2023 and P. vivax by 2025 by expanding mobile malaria services to heard-to-reach communities in remote, forested areas in northern Cambodia. It is the third project under the RAI fund, which strives to accelerate coordinated efforts to eliminate malaria in the Greater Mekong subregion (GMS).
United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) Myanmar, Myanmar
Malaria Consortium, United Kingdom
Ministry of Health (MOH) Cambodia, Cambodia
The provincial health departments and operational districts are responsible for delivering malaria prevention and control services at their respective levels, with the coordination and support of the National Malaria Control Programme. They oversee local health centres, as well as a network of village malaria workers (VMWs) and mobile malaria workers (MMWs) who diagnose and treat malaria at the community level, undertake surveillance activities and promote behaviour change. To support the PHDs/ODs in their capacity to deliver effective malaria prevention and control services to hard-to-reach and high-risk groups such as those living or working in forested areas. Malaria Consortium (MC) recruited mobile malaria workers (MMWs – total 101 by the end of 2023) – local volunteers that are well-known in their area – in consultation with health centre staff and local authorities to expand services from three (under RAI2E) to six provinces in RAI3E. Train the MMWs through the HC/OD to conduct health promotion activities to raise community awareness of malaria transmission, effective personal protection, testing and treatment, continuously distribute long lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs), to ensure universal coverage in high-risk areas . Support the MMWs to deliver early diagnosis to suspected cases, carry out case investigation, active case finding, identify and test co-travellers of confirmed cases, and treat all confirmed cases in line with the National Malaria Treatment Guidelines. Establish community networks in a number of hotspots by using the community dialogue approach to encourage communities to inform the nearest MMW of any febrile patients and promote behaviour change. To monitor as well the capture of quality data from the MMWs to add in the national system as well as in the internal MC database. Arrange regular supervision visits to assure the quality of MMWs’ services and attend monthly meetings with all MMWs to gather data and distribute malaria commodities. Strategically place malaria posts at exit/entry points of large, inaccessible forest areas, based on epidemiological indicators, population movement and the seasonal context to provide malaria case detection services to at-risk individuals through malaria rapid diagnostic tests. To help the MMWs and malaria posts identify appropriate testing locations by gaining insight into population mobility patterns and forest-going times through the community networks. The MC staff participates in provincial and district malaria elimination committees; the monthly Provincial Technical Working Group on Health; and the bi-monthly malaria meetings, organised by the provincial health departments or operational districts for all implementing partners providing malaria services in their area.
Jan 2021 — Dec 2023