Last Updated: 17/12/2024

Quality Diagnosis and Standard Treatment of Malaria (QDSTM) project


The objectives of this project will be covered through the following activities:

  • Improve and develop behaviour development communications materials with the help of national and international consultants,
  • Distribute behaviour development communications materials free of charge to populations in coverage area,
  • Organize advocacy meetings to advocate local authority on MMA QDSTM activity with support from the Global Fund,
  • Distribute RDTs and anti-malaria drugs to Community Health Workers on need basis during supportive supervision visits,
  • Conduct mobile malaria visits to monitor services being provided by the Village Health Volunteers to the vulnerable populations living in remote and bordering areas under coverage,
  • Organize health education sessions in the targeted villages to prevent malaria transmission, to improve awareness of the available services and promote early treatment-seeking behaviour in the community,
  • Train Village Health Volunteers on malaria prevention and case management,
  • Promote and motivate CHWs through provision of performance incentives,
  • Conduct regular field monitoring visits to monitor activities,
  • Participate in national malaria TSG meetings,
  • Regularly hold project review and evaluation meeting to discuss lessons learned, find solutions to overcome challenges and strategize for the way forward.
Rationale and Abstract

Strategy: Improving early access to quality diagnosis and effective/standard treatment of malaria (EDET Early Diagnosis and Effective Treatment) through

  1. Trained private medical practitioners (QGPs)
  2. Field Implementation Units  
  3. Village health volunteers (VHVs) to reduce onward transmission of malaria