Last Updated: 24/07/2023

Primary care and malaria prevention actions in indigenous territory: Perspectives and challenges with indigenous peoples


*Original title in Portuguese: Atenção primária e ações de prevenção à malária em território indígena: Perspectivas e desafios junto aos povos indígenas

The objective and abstract were machine translated to English.

The project seeks to understand health care issues in the Brazilian Amazon region such as structure, complex logistics, access to health teams, diagnosis network and the implementation of active case search actions that are important for the elaboration of strategies and access to diagnosis in indigenous areas.

Principal Investigators / Focal Persons

Daniel Villela

Rationale and Abstract

Malaria is an infectious disease with a great impact on social and economic development, with a high incidence in the Brazilian Amazon Region. Climatic and anthropological factors also influence the behavior of the disease. Is malaria surveillance carried out in accordance with the guidelines of the National Malaria Prevention and Control Program (PNCM/MS). The wild environment in which indigenous populations are inserted in the endemic region for malaria provides greater exposure to various pathogens present in the forest environment. In this sense, the risk of getting sick from malaria among indigenous peoples is twice as high as among non-indigenous people in the Amazon. Epidemiological data, external and anthropological factors will be analyzed and compared to better visualize the problem. Finally, with the results and products, it is intended to contribute to the development and strengthening of strategies to combat and prevent malaria in indigenous territories, taking into account the territorial, cultural and geographic specificities of each region of the Brazilian Amazon.


Aug 2022

Project Site
