
Last Updated: 18/06/2024

Point-of-care diagnostics of cancer and infectious diseases using mobile digital microscopy and artificial intelligence


The aim of this project is to study the use of mobile microscope scanners combined with AI algorithms for three specific purposes: 1) screening of pap smears for diagnosis of cervical cancer 2) detection of malaria parasites in blood smears and 3) soil-transmitted helminths and schistosomiasis in urine and stool.

Principal Institution

Karolinska Institute (KI), Sweden

Rationale and Abstract

In proof-of-concept studies we have shown that it is feasible to digitally scan microscopy samples using low-cost mobile microscopy scanners and apply AI-augmented computer vision to support the diagnostic process. Proof-of-concept studies have been completed in 2013-2017 and now field studies to establish the diagnostic accuracy and expand the number of disease targets. We have established a comprehensive cross-disciplinary research team, with expertise in medical diagnostics, mobile technologies, computer vision, epidemiology and global health. AI-supported algorithms will be developed for the above-mentioned targets and updated versions of the mobile microscopy instruments tested in field settings. Significance: The paradigm shift from human expert based visual interpretations to digital computer-assisted analysis has huge implications for diagnostics. To evaluate the feasibility of the novel diagnostic platform, studies will be conducted in Sweden, Tanzania and Kenya. The methods will improve access to cancer and infectious disease diagnostics at the point-of-care, decrease the workload of experts and allow for more efficient use of healthcare resources.

Thematic Categories



Jan 2019 — Dec 2021

Total Project Funding


Funding Details
Swedish Research Council (SRC), Sweden

Grant ID: 2018-04721_VR
SEK 3.9M
Project Site
