Last Updated: 06/11/2024
Permission to proliferate: identifying regulators of blood stage schizogony in malaria parasites
In this project, the function of several candidate DNA binding proteins (DBPs) will be disrupted to identify those important in schizogony and their mechanism of action will be worked out.
Malaria remains a significant threat to global health. Malaria cases and deaths have continued to rise in recent years despite concerted efforts to curb the disease, and the situation is exacerbated by emerging resistance to the most potent class of antimalarial drugs. During the critical blood stage infection, each malaria parasite multiplies extensively within host red blood cells to produce up to 24 daughter parasites. The parasite achieves this remarkable feat through an unusual form of cell division called schizogony in which it first multiplies its nucleus several times before finally dividing its cell. Several aspects of this fascinating process remain enigmatic, including how the parasite enters into and controls the timing of this proliferative phase. Such key decisions during the parasite lifecycle are usually taken by at least two classes of DNA binding proteins (DBPs), viz. transcription factors and reader proteins, many of them likely essential for the parasite but with unknown functions. To achieve the objective, an exciting new technology developed by Abhinay Ramaprasad will be employed which enables the study of several knockout mutant parasites at the same time, an endeavour previously notoriously difficult in the malaria parasite. Ramaprasad will then capture the effect each gene disruption has on the global gene expression in the parasite using single-cell RNA sequencing, again targeting several mutants at once. This, combined with further in-depth characterisation of schizogony-regulating DBPs, will generate important new fundamental knowledge about how cell division in this early-diverging parasitic eukaryote is regulated, and hopefully aid the development of new intervention strategies against this devastating disease.
Jul 2024 — Jul 2029