Last Updated: 18/06/2024

Optimising progress towards elimination of malaria


The project aims to advance mathematical knowledge by developing novel tools appropriate for modelling disease elimination.

Principal Investigators / Focal Persons

Jennifer Flegg
Jonathan Keith

Rationale and Abstract

New mathematical tools will be applied to the significant problem of malaria elimination in Vietnam. The expected outcomes are new tools for modelling disease elimination on a fine spatial resolution with heterogeneities in individual patient characteristics, calibrating models to household level data on disease transmission and designing intervention strategies for maximum effect on disease transmission. The innovative combination of modelling, inference and optimisation ensures that the mathematical methods developed will be broadly applicable to modelling elimination strategies for other infectious diseases.

Thematic Categories



Apr 2020 — Apr 2024

Total Project Funding


Funding Details
Australian Research Council (ARC), Australia

Grant ID: DP200100747
AUD 553,460
Project Site
