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Last Updated: 27/03/2015

Mass drug administration of DHA-PQP to accelerate towards malaria elimination in Magude district, Southern Mozambique


To assess the feasibility and impact of a malaria elimination intervention package consisting of one round of IRS plus two rounds of MDA on top of high LLIN coverage and standard case management.

Secondary objectives:

  1. To measure the impact of MDA plus high coverage of vector control tools (IRS) in Magude district using a “before and after” approach and an Interrupted Time Series design
  2. To evaluate the effectiveness of 2 rounds of community-wide MDA on the outcomes of reducing baseline malaria parasite prevalence and confirmed case incidence over a 12 month period
  3. To quantify the population coverage of the MDA intervention in the study area, including the identification of systematic barriers to achieving high coverage
  4. To assess in a subgroup of the study population real adherence of taking a full course of DHA-PIP when not administered through DOT (directly observed treatment)
  5. To assess the acceptability of participating in the MDA intervention among community members and health care leaders in the District of Magude
  6. To measure the cost and cost-effectiveness of MDAs  
Principal Investigators / Focal Persons

Pedro Aide

Rationale and Abstract
  • Drug & regimen: 2 rounds for 2 consecutive years of dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine for 3 days, with the first dose administered directly house-to-house
  • Concomitant interventions: IRS, LLINs, community engagement and the standard case management offered by the MoH
  • Target size & population: The study population has 50,000 inhabitants
  • Inclusion criteria: Older than 6 months of age or more than 5kg, women on the second or third trimester who are not on IPTp
  • Exclusion criteria: Younger than 6 months of age or less than 5 kg, women in the first trimester of pregnancy, severely ill individuals and contraindications
  • Outcome measures (primary and secondary) and tool used:
    • Prevalence of malaria infection (by RDT and/or PCR) in a subgroup of the study population on month six
    • Incidence of malaria as detected through passive case detection (weekly cases reported through a Rapid Reporting System) 
    • Identification of hotspots of maintained transmission in the study area
    • Coverage achieved of MDA 1-4 rounds
  • Time of follow-up: 12 months
  • Clinicaltrials.gov ID: NCT02914145
Study Design

Type: Interventional
Allocation: Non-Randomized
Intervention model: Single group
Masking: None (open label)
Primary Purpose: Treatment