Last Updated: 17/12/2024
Mapping of the Culicidae fauna in the localities of Angra dos Reis with autochthonous cases of yellow fever and malaria, aiming at prevention and control
*Original title in Portuguese: Mapeamento da fauna Culicidae das localidades de Angra dos Reis com casos autóctones de febre amarela e malária, visando à prevenção e o controle
The objective of this study is to inventory, through the collection of alates and immatures followed by taxonomic identification, the Culicidae fauna of the localities of Angra dos Reis where autochthonous cases of yellow fever and/or malaria have been confirmed.
Culicidae are involved in the transmission of the etiologic agent of different vector-borne diseases. Knowing the fauna of these vector mosquitoes, in the territory where autochthonous human cases are notified, is fundamental for the surveillance service and for the design of control actions. In Angra dos Reis, a municipality in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Aedes aegypti is the only mosquito that has a control and surveillance program in place, given its importance in the transmission of urban arboviruses such as Dengue, Chikungunya and Zika. However, cases of vector diseases transmitted by other species of mosquitoes, such as Malaria and Yellow Fever, have been confirmed in that same municipality. Surveillance actions for these and other vector-borne diseases should have as one of the pillars the continuous training of agents fighting endemic diseases that work in the territory, as well as providing the affected population with basic knowledge about transmission and prevention and making it a partner in surveillance. With a view to optimizing health promotion actions, a permanent education program will be implemented for agents of endemic diseases and health education workshops will be developed in the first segment of elementary education in municipal schools and in the indigenous school present in the territory.
Jan 2021