Last Updated: 17/12/2024
MACEPA IV: Advancing subnational tailoring and impact in priority geographies
The main objective of this grant is to advance data-driven, subnationally tailored malaria interventions in high burden Africa, along with targeted support to and time-limited transition from previously prioritized elimination geographies.
Primary outcome:
Accelerated reductions in burden and transmission of malaria in prioritized geographies.
Secondary investment outcomes:
- Data systems and data use: Increased availability and use of high-quality data to determine context-appropriate malaria interventions.
- Policies and guidelines: Adoption of national strategies and policies enabling subnational targeting of context-appropriate malaria interventions.
- Intervention coverage and targeting: Increased effective coverage of context-appropriate malaria interventions.
- Resource allocation and alignment: Increased allocation of resources for context-appropriate malaria interventions.
Akros, Zambia
Bluesquare, Belgium
eHealth4everyone, Nigeria
Global Health Corps, United States
Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal), Spain
University of Kinshasa, Dem. Rep. of Congo
Tulane University, United States
University of California San Francisco (UCSF), United States
Amhara National Regional State Health Bureau, Ethiopia
Amhara Public Health Institute, Ethiopia
Speak Up Africa, Senegal
Continent-wide Community Case Management Benchmarking Analysis
Impact of Community Case Management
Formative evaluation of rectal artesunate (RAS)
Community Health Worker Characterization
Zambia ITN/IRS Targeting
Impact evaluation of reactive focal drug administration (rFDA) in northern Senegal
High-risk Populations Intervention Evaluation
Zambia Catchment Modeling
Estimating the Impact of Seasonal Migration on Malaria Transmission in Ethiopia
Ethiopia National Strategic Plan Modeling
In 2020, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation awarded the PATH Malaria Control and Elimination Partnership in Africa (MACEPA) the four-year MACEPA IV: Advancing subnational tailoring and impact in priority geographies grant. This latest investment sees MACEPA continuing a collaboration with African countries that began in 2005 to scale interventions to reduce malaria burden, generate evidence, and support planning for new strategies to accelerate toward elimination. Specifically, this newest iteration of MACEPA builds on previous investments in Ethiopia, Senegal-The Gambia, and Zambia, and identifies opportunities in new, high-burden geographies (e.g., the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Nigeria).
Capacity Building
Financing & Economics
Health Systems
Information Systems
Leadership & Governance
Operational Research
Sep 2020 — Aug 2024