Last Updated: 19/12/2024
Intensifying malaria control and accelerating progress towards elimination in high transmission and hard-to-reach areas in Myanmar
The activities conducted by the sub-recipents of this RAI2E grant will include:
- Provide diagnosis by testing for all suspected cases and treatment for all the positive malaria cases in static communities, mobile, migrant populations.
- Initiate active case finding at communities and at work sites and other sites with mobile/migrant populations.
- Train the village health workers (VHW) for malaria at Malaria Field Sites (MFS) and for referral for severe and complicated cases to nearest hospitals.
- Conduct mobile field team visits to mobile/migrant populations for an Active Case Detection (ACD) of malaria in addition to passive case detection.
- Conduct health education sessions in the community to promote awareness of malaria and to promote malaria services by VHWs.
- Conduct field monitoring visits by the mobile field teams to monitor the malaria services by the VHWs and to provide supportive supervisions and on-site trainings.
- Vector control: LLINs distribution to static populations from hard to reach and unmet area, and to migrant/mobile populations.
- Referral services for severe malaria cases to hospitals.
- Advocacy meetings with relevant stakeholders such as authorities from state, regional and township level, related departments and other partners.
- Strengthen DHIS2 Data Management and Surveillance System to generate quality, timely private surveillance reports.
- Monitoring and Evaluation: Supportive supervision to volunteers through monthly/quarterly meetings at health facility level.
External reference
Thematic Categories
Capacity Building
Health Systems
Impact of Interventions
Information Systems
Monitoring & Evaluation
Operational Research
Residual Transmission
Social Science
Vulnerable Populations
Jan 2018 — Dec 2020
Total Project Funding
Funding Details
The Global Fund to Fight AIDS,Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM), Switzerland
RAI2E grant awarded to UNOPS: sub-recipient MAM ($9,132,890), MI ($2,406,583), Save the Children ($2,170,409)
Project Site
Parent Project
Deep Dives