Last Updated: 19/12/2024
Integration of malaria parasite & vector surveillance in Ghana (Sanger)
To build laboratory and scientific capacity to integrate malaria parasite and genomic surveillance in Ghana.
Recent efforts by the Ghana National Malaria Elimination Programme (NMEP) have resulted in decreasing malaria transmission. However, in five northern regions of the country, despite interventions such as indoor residual spraying, long lasting insecticide treated nets and seasonal malaria chemoprevention, transmission is decreasing considerably less than other regions. The reasons behind this are being investigated by the NMEP. However, there are no significant plans to understand the relationships between insecticide and antimalarial drug resistance, vector frequency and distribution, genetic diversity and gene flow and how these factors and their interactions might be contributing to the poor results from interventions. The project aims to understand these factors and their relationships to each other through an integrated approach of parasite and vector molecular surveillance between the regions, in particular along the north-south gradient.
You will find a related project at this link.
Capacity Building
Enabling Technologies & Assays
Genetics and Genomics
Health Systems
Mar 2023 — Mar 2026