Last Updated: 17/12/2024

Importance of active case detection in a malaria elimination programme (Sri Lanka)


This study describes the implementation of malaria active case detection (ACD) activities among high-risk population groups of Sri Lanka, and the contribution of this intervention in the context of the Anti-Malaria Campaign (AMC) efforts to interrumpt transmission in the country.

Rationale and Abstract

With the aim of eliminating malaria from Sri Lanka by 2014, the AMC of Sri Lanka sought the support of Tropical and Environmental Disease and Health Associates Pvt. Ltd. (TEDHA) to carry out malaria surveillance interventions to complement their activities in the country. Passive case detection (PCD), activated passive case detection (APCD) and active case detection (ACD) were carried out by TEDHA in four districts.

Study Design

Malaria ACD was conducted:

– Among  pregnant females who visit antenatal clinics for asymptomatic malaria infections during the first trimester of pregnancy. 

– Through mobile malaria clinics (MMCs) among high-risk population groups, defined as:

  1. persons resident in traditionally malarious areas based on previous data where there is a high risk of malaria transmission;
  2. population groups engaged in high risk behaviours such as the armed forces, chena cultivators involved in seasonal slash and burn cultivation, gem miners, etc.;
  3. displaced and migratory populations;
  4. newly settled areas under the purview of development projects and re-settled populations following the end of the separatist war;
  5. populations in which malaria cases have been detected; and
  6. populations resident in inaccessible or remote areas with no access to malaria microscopy facilities.

Positive cases based on blood smear examination were referred to the closest government hospital for treatment, notified to the AMC and followed up for 28 days as per WHO guidelines.


Jan 2010 — Dec 2012

Funding Details
The Global Fund to Fight AIDS,Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM), Switzerland

Part of GF grant: SRL-809-G11-M (2009-2014); TEDHA Principal Recipient 2
Project Site

Sri Lanka