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Last Updated: 05/03/2018

Highly-sensitive RDT evaluation study in Myanmar


The overall aim of this population cross-sectional survey is to identify foci that meet criteria for elimination interventions. qPCR and highly-sensitive RDTs will be compared to trigger focal MDA.

Primary objectives and outcomes at the individual levels:

  • Evaluation of sensitivity, specificity, negative predictive value (NPV), positive predictive value (PPV) for detection of Pf infection, as compared with qRT PCR.
  • Define HRP2 concentration and its correlation to parasitemia

Primary objectives and outcomes at the population levels:

  • Show that a low cost point of care tool such as the hsRDTs can be used as a surrogate for PCR to identify villages that meet criteria for elimination interventions.
Principal Investigators / Focal Persons

François Nosten

Rationale and Abstract

The population selected were residents of all ages in 39 villages, being 3668 individuals. 50 random individuals have been tested in each village by qPCR and exhaustive testing with RDT, hsRDTs and ELISA. Additionally, 36 villages and 1520 asymptomatic adults were included in the laboratory phase of the analysis.

Study Design

Population cross-sectional survey


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