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Last Updated: 16/11/2018

Highly-sensitive RDT evaluation study in Mozambique


The overall objective of this project is to evaluate the level of highly-sensitive RDT detection of additional infections compared to RDT in post-MDA areas (Magude District, Xinavane Area) and no interventions (Manhica District).

Additional specific objectives:

  • To assess the distribution of parasitemia in three low prevalence areas
  • To evaluate the highly-sensitive RDT performance by sensitivity, specificity, NPV and PPV against RDT, microscopy, and PCR results
  • To assess the presence of hrp2/3 deletion parasites (done until 2016)
Principal Investigators / Focal Persons

Beatriz Galatas
Quique Bassat

Rationale and Abstract
  • Outcomes:
    • (Individual level) Assess the distribution of parasitemia in three low prevalence areas; Diagnostic accuracy (sensitivity, specificity, NPV and PPV); Presence of hrp2/3 deletion parasites.
    • (Community level) Evaluate the level of highly-sensitive RDT detection of additional infections in post-MDA areas and no intervention areas.
  • Gold standard: qPCR
  • Population selection criteria: Simple random sampling of children and adults
  • Sample size: n=4396 (4149 high transmission area, 247 low transmission)
Study Design

Population cross-sectional survey