Last Updated: 12/12/2024
Forest malaria interventions in Pursat Province, Cambodia
The aim of this project was to support the Cambodia National Malaria Program (CNM) to equip and train mobile malaria workers (MMWs) identified among the most at risk populations in two of Operational Districts (OD) to proactively provide point-of-care early diagnosis and treatment.
Malaria risk is highest in forest and forest fringe areas of Cambodia and is linked to the movement of mobile and migrant populations (MMP) visiting the forest for economic reasons. In 2018, the CNM introduced a robust intensification plan (IP) in the 10 malaria endemic ODs. All key stakeholders, analyzed and identified 29 villages, 6 health facilities, and numerous hotspots in Pursat province to implement IP.
As of 2019, 42 MMWs (called fixed touch points and forest goer peer volunteers) were trained to carry out malaria activities in Phnom Kravanh and Krakor districts. These MMWs reached out to forest goers/workers, tested and treated them, and educated them on prevention and care seeking. The MMWs were provided with on-the-job training and supervised by public health staff.
Drug-based Strategies
Health Systems
Impact of Interventions
Indigenous Cases & Importation
Vulnerable Populations
Jan 2019 — Dec 2019