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Last Updated: 12/07/2023

Evaluation of the paratransgenic potential of bacteria from the Serratia and Pantoea genera, symbionts of Anopheles darlingi, aiming at blocking the cycle of Plasmodium spp. in the mosquito vector


*Original title in Portuguese: Avaliação do potencial paratransgênico de bactérias dos gêneros Serratia e Pantoea, simbiontes de Anopheles darlingi, visando o bloqueio do ciclo do Plasmodium spp. no mosquito vetor

The objective and abstract were machine translated to English. 

To use genetically modified bacteria to generate a new and promising alternative, paratransgenesis, in the fight against malaria in northern Brazil.

Principal Investigators / Focal Persons

Rosemary Aparecida Roque

Rationale and Abstract

Paratransgenesis involves the colonization of the gut of medically important insects with symbiotic bacteria, genetically modified to express antiparasitic effector molecules, which may inhibit the development of target parasites when they infect the insect vector. This technique is based on genetic engineering and has been gaining repercussions in the scientific community of several countries, especially for the control of malaria.

Thematic Categories

Vector-based Strategies


Mar 2023

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