Last Updated: 14/06/2024

Enhanced Active Surveillance: Building filter paper collection and bio-bank storage capacity


The specific objectives of this project are:

  1. To establish reporting structures for nucleic acid amplification test and seroepidemiological test results back to MOTS, VHWs, national staff and for cross-border data sharing
  2. To determine the sensitivity and cost-effectiveness local nucleic acid amplification tests, and the requirements for local implementation.
  3. To use the SDSS to generate live reporting to NIMPE to inform strategic targeted actions for the control of transmission foci and for malaria elimination.
Principal Institution

Burnet Institute, Australia

Principal Investigators / Focal Persons

Sara E. Canavati
Jack S. Richards

Partner Investigators

Thang Ngo Duc

Rationale and Abstract


A biobank is a type of repository that stores human biological samples for surveillance and/ or research. In this project, scalable infrastructure will be developed that includes specimen collection, transport and processing at both national and international laboratories.

Overall Goal:

To establish local capacity to collect, store and transport filter paper blood spots and other bio-samples collected through MOTs, VHWs and commune health staff.

Project Overview:

Collection and storage of filter paper samples for genotyping and serological studies (establish collection mechanisms, routes and storage points, shipping to final destination)

  • Establish refrigeration systems for the preservation of samples.
  • Integration of filter paper collection in routine VHW and MOT activities.

Project Methodology:

Filter paper blood spots will be collected for all patients presenting to MOTs and VHWs for malaria testing (i.e. positive and negative). These samples will be transported on a monthly basis from local villages and Commune Health Clinics to the Provincial Office. Samples will then be available for genetic and serological surveillance and for local-performed nucleic acid amplification using LAMP for the detection of subpatent parasitaemia. Four dedicated refrigerators will established (2 per province) with 1 being located at the provincial capital, and one at an intermediary point between the capital and the furthest project village. Training will be conducted in February 2016 and sample collection will begin in March 2016. Standard SOPs on collection, storage and transport will be defined.