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Last Updated: 26/08/2024

Elucidation of the tropism of exosomes that supply lipid receptors to malaria parasites and application to therapy


*Original title and text were machine translated from Japanese.

This project aims to elucidate the tropism of exosomes that supply lipid receptors to malaria parasites and application to therapy.

Principal Institution

Teikyo University, Japan

Principal Investigators / Focal Persons

Naoyuki Iso-O

Partner Investigators

Noriko Isoo

Rationale and Abstract

(i) Comprehensive protein analysis using nanoLC-MS/MS in P. berghei-infected mouse red blood cell membrane protein fraction, and proteins related to cell adhesion that were newly discovered or increased compared to non-infected red blood cells were selected. Identify possibilities. (ii) Verify whether the antibody against the candidate membrane protein in (i) suppresses pExo uptake into infected red blood cells ex vivo. (iii) Verify whether RGD peptide or HHLGGAKQAGDV peptide, which are integrin-inhibiting peptides, suppress pExo uptake into infected red blood cells. (iv) To confirm whether cytochalasin D or artemisinin, which are endocytic inhibitors, suppress pExo uptake by infected red blood cells.

Thematic Categories

Basic Science


Apr 2023 — Mar 2026

Total Project Funding


Funding Details
Project Site
