Last Updated: 08/11/2024

Digital technology for storm-related malaria response in Mozambique


The overall objective of this project is to improve the response to malaria risk, increase the efficiency of control programs, and decrease morbidity and mortality. The specific goals are to:

  1. Create a time-series model that determines geographic areas of increased malaria risk due to severe weather events in Mozambique;
  2. Develop and pilot a software platform that predicts geographic areas of high risk following severe weather; and
  3. Integrate this platform into the Mozambique malaria control and disaster management programs.
Principal Investigators / Focal Persons

Kelly M. Searle

Rationale and Abstract

Increases in frequency of severe weather events are a hallmark of climate change and impact the effectiveness of malaria control programs. Mozambique is already experiencing these and does not have the capacity to respond to the infectious disease challenges that co-occur. Digital technology will be used to integrate climate and malaria data to identify areas at risk of malaria in the aftermath of severe weather in a much more comprehensive manner. A time- series model will be used to determine geographic areas of increased malaria risk following severe weather. This will provide the basis of a software platform to quantify and visualize these areas for delivery of malaria control measures. This platform will directly inform the preparation and delivery of malaria control activities after severe weather.


Oct 2022 — Sep 2027

Total Project Funding


Funding Details
Wellcome Trust, United Kingdom

Grant ID: 226053/Z/22/Z
GBP 565,227
Project Site
