Last Updated: 09/03/2023
Development of novel anti-malaria drugs that block parasite invasion
To develop drugs that prevent parasites from invading and proliferating in human blood which causes malaria.
Malaria is a devastating parasitic disease that kills over 400,000 people a year. Antimalarial drugs play a crucial role in helping eradicate malaria but of great concern is that parasites are becoming resistant to current drugs. We are developing drugs that prevent parasites from invading and proliferating in human blood which causes malaria. We are also discovering how the drugs work with the aim of greatly improving their performance towards clinical uptake.
Article: PfATP4 inhibitors in the Medicines for Malaria Venture Malaria Box and Pathogen Box block the schizont-to-ring transition by inhibiting egress rather than invasionArticle: The sulfonylpiperazine MMV020291 prevents red blood cell invasion by the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum through interference with actin-1/profilin dynamics
Jan 2021 — Dec 2023