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Last Updated: 02/08/2024

Design and synthesis of multicomponent antimalarial cocrystals through structural inequivalence and combinatorial approaches


*Original in Portuguese: Desenho e síntese de cocristais antimalariais multicomponentes através de inequivalência estrutural e abordagens combinatórias

Therefore, this project aims to design, synthesize and characterize antimalarial drug higher order cocrystals (HOCs) as fixed dose formulations with improved drug properties through the application of structural inequivalence and combinatorial synthesis methods in line with crystal engineering and supramolecular design.

Principal Investigators / Focal Persons

Gabriel Lima Barros de Araujo

Rationale and Abstract

Structural inequivalence is a state-of-the-art molecular architecture (strategy) that allows increasing the number of components in a single cocrystal from a binary precursor to higher order cocrystal (HOC) levels by replacing a weakly bound molecule in crystallographic space with another molecule with greater binding energy and directionality. Recent advances in crystal engineering and supramolecular chemistry present the possibility (prospect) of designing and synthesizing HOCs of important pharmaceutical drugs with optimized solid-state properties through the knowledge and application of structural inequivalence. Thus, the strategy aims to design an ABB* precursor of “stoichiometric binary cocrystal” from the cocrystallization of molecules selected as A + B with two B molecules located in crystallographically distinct positions (Z’greater than or equal to two) with different binding strengths. for B and B*. This provides the opportunity to selectively replace the B* molecule located at a weak binding site with a different molecule (C) with stronger non-covalent binding energy and create a ternary HOC with ABC stoichiometry. The successful inclusion of C and others to design ternary, quaternary, etc. systems. requires the exploration of chemical differences using combinatorial synthesis, shape-size mimicry, and synthon hierarchy approaches.


Nov 2023 — Oct 2024

Project Site



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