Novel uses of chemoprevention for malaria
This is an active Deep Dive and we welcome your contributions! If you are currently involved or planning research activities on Novel uses of chemoprevention for malaria please contact MESA ( or add your project to the database.
A WHO Technical Consultation to Review the Role of Drugs in Malaria Prevention for People Living in Endemic Settings took place on October 16 – 17, 2019 [ref]. The meeting reviewed how to best enable the implementation of chemoprevention strategies such as SMC, IPTi and IPTp, and the existing guidance and constraints of the use of chemoprevention. Other forms of chemoprevention such as post-discharge malaria chemoprevention or intermittent preventive treatment in children were also discussed.
To facilitate the meeting’s work and the discussions around how to guide the broader use of chemoprevention, MESA is compiling a landscape of ongoing and recently closed research in novel chemoprevention strategies.