Mass Test and Treat (MTaT) strategies
This is an active Deep Dive and we welcome your contributions! If you are currently involved or planning research activities on Mass Test and Treat (MTaT) strategies please contact MESA ( or add your project to the database.
Mass Test and Treat (MTaT) strategies are defined by WHO as testing the entire population in a defined geographic area at approximately the same time with a parasitologic test, and treating confirmed malaria cases with antimalarials to reduce transmission.
The WHO Global Malaria Programme is currently developing new Guidelines for Malaria Elimination to provide policy advice to countries. Evidence-based recommendations on the implementation of MTaT will be included in these guidelines.
With the aim of facilitating the work of the Malaria Elimination Guidelines Development Group, this deep dive compiles the landscape of recent and ongoing research in malaria MTaT strategies and provides an overview of the projects’ main characteristics.


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