Last Updated: 19/12/2024
Data analysis to guide CHW program expansion
To determine in Cameroon, where expansion of community health worker services would be the most impactful within a given resource envelope.
Cameroon recently launched a new National Community Health Strategy 2021-2025, which states as a key objective, to expand community health worker (CHW) services to all health districts in the country. The expansion of its CHW program, will be critical for increasing access to essential health services, particularly amongst populations that are hardest-to-reach and most vulnerable. Determining the highest priority geographic areas for CHW expansion is critical for the program to optimize resource allocation for greatest impact. However, data and analyses to guide CHW expansion are often unavailable or suboptimal.
The PMI Insights project is working with Cameroon’s Ministry of Public Health and National Malaria Control Program to support a data-driven approach to guide the expansion of their CHW program. Using available data on Cameroon’s CHW program and from their health management information system, the project is modeling where CHW expansion would be the most impactful within a given resource envelope.
Modelling using available secondary data sources, including routine health management information system (HMIS) data, population-based survey data, population and health facility location data, and CHW reporting data.
Jun 2022 — Apr 2023